Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Losing Hair Re-grow Hair and Stop Hair Loss Naturally

Off late, it has become a routine to see people on the streets suffering from baldness or hair loss. Gone are the days, when we thought it was only men, and that too only those beyond the age of 40 that faced hair loss issues. Today, there are youngsters in their teens to women in their late 30s who have become victims of hair loss and are struggling to fight this battle. There are many products available in the market for people who wish to combat this problem, but how effective are they? Most of them are likely to be created using strong chemicals, so they fight whatever it is that is killing the scalp and promote hair growth. If a person suffers from severe hair loss at a young age, they might be tempted to take steroids that they have heard work wonders. But what these pills will do is have harmful effect on their organs and lead to severe fatal side effects. It is therefore advised that the people who are seeing increased hair loss should resort to the natural cure for this condition.

For some, it could be iron deficiency, or excess production of DHT in the body and another option is the thyroid not functioning properly. For everyone, hair is an indicator of how healthy they are and how hygienic they have been. If a person walks into the office without combing their hair, it reflects badly on their character. Their hair would also be lacking in the necessary minerals and vitamins. These days, people go in for coloring their hair, and if this is done too many times, or using harsh coloring dyes, it will make the hair dry and brittle, which would lead to hair loss. For such problems,. Doctors who practice natural cures will recommend iron rich diet and plenty of green leafy vegetables. Consumption of adequate amounts of Vitamin A will also help, and these can be obtained through cheese, soya, milk, and other food items. Getting a nutritional diet is the bottom line for any kind of health ailment. Adding some spinach, nuts like almonds and walnuts, fish, tuna, sunflower seeds and dairy products in one's diet will keep them healthy for many years with no worries.

Nettle is also known to help boost hair growth and it is taken in the form of Nettle root extracts. It work wonders as they are rich in Vitamins, such as A and C which help fight the production of DHT in the scalp and thereby stimulates hair growth. Green tea, ginger, egg, rosemary and lemon are also known to be effective in cleansing the scalp from any infections or dandruff like problems which will automatically help in hair growth. It is recommended to consume Vitamin B complex, Iron pills and multivitamins on a daily basis, as this is said to help build our immunity system and keep us going. Application of kelp oil is also found effective in some cases, available as shampoo.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

How to Prevent Back Acne

A common problem haunting the life of many teenagers and adults is the back acne, also known as bacne. It is the reason why backless dresses and swimsuits stay put in your closet. This kind of acne is caused by perspiration and dead skin cells clogging up pores resulting in the inflammation of the pores. Body hugging clothes trap sweat and bacteria leading to the irritation of skin and acne.

Though bacne is similar to face acne, it needs more care and treatment to clear them up. You might be wondering how to prevent back acne? Very simply, the skin must be treated in a proper way with proper products. Here are some useful ways to clear up bacne.

If you are an active person who exercises regularly and goes to the gym, you probability sweat a lot, and this leads to the bacteria sticking to your skin. Thus it is important to hit the shower after a work out or an active day to wipe off the sweat. Try not to skip this daily routine, especially if you sweat excessively or have long hair that gets oily. Use bath care products that will prevent bacne from re-occurring and gently scrub off dead cells, dirt and excess sebum.

The scrub should be gentle and have fine granules, one that gives a soothing effect and smells fresh. The scrub must be placed on wet skin and rubbed in a circular motion, being extra careful in the blemished areas. Scrub at least twice a week to exfoliate dead skin. Don't rub hard, for it may make your skin dry and damaged. Exfoliation is a great way to get rid of dead skin cells that tend to build up on the back, buttocks and behind the arms. It is best to use a sugar scrubber, which is milder that a salt scrubber twice a week in the shower.

Keep your skin hydrated to prevent dryness and flaking, especially after a scrub. Try a moisturizer meant for blemished skin. To keep your skin smooth and blemish free, try using non-comedogenic and dermatological tested products to pamper your skin.

Treat existing bacne with a topical ointment or any acne spot treatment which uses benzoyl peroxide and salycylic acid in its formulation. This help to clear up your acne without causing dryness or irritation of skin. If possible get a treatment system that is designed specifically for body acne. Ask some one to apply the ointment on your back, in case the acne is out of reach and make sure that the zit is not picked, for this makes the acne spread to unaffected areas. Refrain from using towels and toiletries with others for hygienic purposes.

By following the above steps, you will be able to successful clear up your acne and know how to prevent back acne from happening again.