Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Health Alert! Stop Hemorrhoids from Pregnancy

Hemorrhoids from pregnancy may be of a little concern to women but it does add insult to injury while one is suffering from the labor pain during childbirth. Attending physicians and nurses will definitely be there to assist in the delivery and in the process of pushing the baby out, puts ones condition in the open and the embarrassing situation will last you a lifetime.

The uterine stretches and expands as ones womb makes room for the developing fetus affecting other organs in the immediate area. The womans digestive system adjusts itself to accommodate the baby as it grows in size and weight, inducing pressure to the pelvic bones and pressing the intestines. Constipation or irritable bowel syndrome may result to this condition. Elaborate stool bleeding and pain, coupled with itching, soreness and skin irritations are vital signs of hemorrhoids inflicting the expectant mother.

Hemorrhoids may be prevented with these following measures:

1) Healthy diet for healthy constitution  It is necessary for ones diet to include fruits and veggies. It induces regular bowel discharge and a considerable soft stool. The baby will surely benefit from the nutrients extracted from the fruits and veggies. One must avoid sodas and junk foods for they may lead to constipation.

2) The right amount of water and exercise  Keeping still or sitting for long periods of time could add more weight to the baby and may cause uncomfortable conditions to ones anal region. To relieve pressure while reading or watching television, lying on ones left side is recommended. An average of 8 to 10 glasses of water everyday ensures women to avoid hemorrhoids from pregnancy.

3) Answer the call of nature  While moving ones bowel try to avoid excessive strain. It is advisable for one to refrain from finishing a novel or a book, causing one to spend unnecessary time inside the toilet could be unhealthy and unhygienic. Always answer the call of nature when the urge of defecating sets in. One can avoid the use of hemorrhoid cushion and the obvious display of uncomfortable feelings and cold excessive perspirations.

In pregnancy, the womans body goes through a lot of changes. Biological and psychological conditions undergo to different stages, often affecting a womans state of mind and metabolism caused by the new life growing from within. This altered state of a woman hinders ones usual social life style and often makes her more vulnerable to unexplained diseases and disorders.

Also, a postpartum hemorrhoid may set in during childbirth. This is due to the amount of stress and strain in pushing out the baby and may cause spasm to the hips and pelvic region. More than usual, the walls of ones veins relax and swell up more easily because of high level of progesterone. Such condition could slow down ones intestinal track leading to constipation.

To ease hemorrhoids during or post pregnancy, application of chilled witch hazel pad by gently wiping the affected areas relieves the pain, itching and soreness. Hemorrhoid cushion may also help. At any rate, there is a sure remedy and cure to the problem of hemorrhoids from pregnancy. It is proven safe, tested and effective for all who endures the condition and definitely eliminate it during or after pregnancy. Say goodbye to embarrassment and hemorrhoids, welcome pregnancy a promise of lifes continuity.

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